
Jaka Jug, JackFree         Fulfilled Success Academy

"I help people build an online business and create financial freedom, while mastering mindset and grow as person, so they will have SUCCESS and INNER FULFILLMENT" Jaka


Jaka Jug has helped
over 1000 people worldwide
move closer to their goal of
Fulfilled Success

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Entrepreneurial Mindset Course

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​7 step system to design Your Fulfilled Success Life...

Watch how to have life that's Filled With Happiness, Balance, Fulfillment and Success!

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790 €

Who is Jaka Jug JackFree?

Life coach, inspirational speaker, investor & entrepreneur.

He organizes and leads workshops for personal, and business growth under the JackFree Fulfilled Success Academy.

He trains people how to succeed and still have inner fulfilment with keeping moral foundations, so clients will not burnout or loose integrity.

He is encouraging to live passionate life purpose and start earning money with online business or investments that can create you passive incomes, so you will have more free time, freedom and live life that you were born to live fully.

 In 2 years as entrepreneur, he expanded his online business to more than 15 countries, generated more than 1 million $ of revenue.

With marketing and entrepreneurial skills has established solid passive income cash flow that brings him financial freedom.

And now his biggest purpose is to show others how they can achieve the same.

  • Graduated at Success Resources (Quantum Leap program)
    Coaching accreditation with ICF (International Coaching federation)
  • Mentor 2 Millions Academy
  • Train the Trainer certification (Success Resources)
  • Graduated at Faculty of Organizational Sciences;  Organization and Management of Information Systems

    Awards & Acknowledgments
  • Founder and President of Student Association of Koper - Secondary school section
  • Sales Mentor; (Jupiter International)
  • Executive Manager  (Jupiter International)

Work at Postojna Cave (World famous attraction)
Slovenian largest tourism company that operates the Slovenian most visited tourist attraction (+1M visitors/year)

  • Head of promotion  
  • Head Of Sales, School Groups
  • Area Sales Manager, (North East Europe)
  • Head of Sales Department
- Developed a new marketing strategy to increase spending per customer: established new promotional and pricing approach
- Implemented the proposed strategy: set up, trained and led new promotional team that he recruited
- Success and his system resulted in company-wide adoption of the strategy (still used in the company today)
- Every year he broke the new record in sales with the team that he was mentoring. He created sales system from scratch in innovative way that had proven results.
- On 3rd year of work the result in sales were close to tripled.

He discovered this skills and results can be duplicable and he was continuing mentoring people in sales and promotion with his company

Work online business wih business partner Auvoria Prime (Forex education and trading)

  •   Executive 3000 (ranked as TOP 10 enrepreneur in world)
Develope a big team with more than 400 customers and business partners.
Helping them with trading, financial education, mindset, marketing trainings, leadership, inspiration, personal development, coaching...
Generating 3000 $ passive monthly income


Grow mentally, spiritually, emotionally and financially

Fulfilled Success Academy

• Increase Income
• Greater Knowledge about you
• Sense of Peace
• More Satisfying Relationships

This academy expands your power to improve all areas of your life through courses, workshops, online live events and 1:1 coaching.

There is no other personal development program like it anywhere. Be prepared for the most exhilarating journey of your life; a journey to the highest peaks of your potential.

Over the course of your program you will stretch, grow and realize your how to get real confidence, accessing deep reservoirs of knowledge and releasing hidden blocks that distract you from living your ultimate life.

Success Without Fulfillment Is the Ultimate Failure

    Mastering The Science Of Achievement
    Developing Your Sense Of Fulfillment

For A Rich And Meaningful Life

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul"

Before you can grow your business or change your results, you must first develop yourself. In order to improve or change yourself, we need to improve your THINKING. 


Whether you’re a start-up business owner, have a full-time job but seeking alternative streams of income, or looking to explore a different direction and adventure in life, this is academy for you.

The level and security of your finances rests on the firm foundation of the right knowledge, understanding, and psychology to manage it well.

Mindset - Learn how successful people think

Build websites & funnels

Marketing & Sales

Start your own business

Profit with trading & investing

Financial Education 


Personal and Business Growth 


Are you ready for transformation?

1 on 1 coaching
Online teamcoaching (workshops)
Online Course


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Change youre life by changing your mind.

It's incredible that if you make it through school and even get a college degree, no one teaches you how to use your mind.

They tell you what to think, but they don't teach you how to think.

Your mind is your ultimate potential or your ultimate limiting factor.

If you learn how to use it properly, it can bring you all of the wealth, happiness, and fulfillment you desire.

But if you don't learn to use your mind correctly, the "SYSTEM" will program you to use your mind to rob you of opportunity and destroy your chances. 

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Coaching (ICF accredited)

Selling is the most fundamental of business skills and the one that is taught the least in business schools, despised the most by business people and most misunderstood in the market place.

Selling is not convincing people to buy things they don't want, don't need and can't afford. Selling is persuasion, and persuasion is the opposite of convincing.

Convincing is attempting to get someone to do something you desire them to do for your reasons.

Persuasion is helping someone make a decision they already desire to make for their reasons. Selling is a process, not an event.

Jaka  teaches people to understand the sales process so they can effortlessly sell to people who are happy to buy!

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I have finished accreditation as a coach in International Coach Federation (ICF). 

We define coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

For many, coaching is a life-changing experience that dramatically improves their outlook on work and life while improving leadership skills.

Coaching helps people tap into their potential, unlocking sources of creativity and productivity.

Individuals who partner with coaches have reported several benefits, including improved:

- Communication skills
- Increase confidence
- Increased productivity


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Personal Development

You are here because you have a desire to be the very best version of yourself possible.

And, if you have been working on achieving goals and trying to improve your health, your financial situation, your relationships, or your career, you have probably arrived at the realization that the greatest barriers to your success are: your own beliefs, habits, and personal doubts...

Jaka will help you identify your little voice challenges so that you can break past the thoughts and behaviors that are holding you back from evolving into the person you want to be.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

Make a personal growth as daily priority.

What is my mission and purpuse?

My purpose of 
Personal and Business growth programs 
is to educate and inspire people to live in spirit of Love, Courage, Freedom and Purpose, so they can have
Fulfillment and Success at same time.

Mission statement:

My purpose of personal and business growth programs is to educate and inspire people to live in spirit of love, courage, purpose and freedom so they can have fulfillment and success at same time.

Welcome to the family

If you're looking for a place to call home...
if you're looking for positive people in your life...
if you want to live your best life and be your best self...
Fulfilled Success Academy is here for you!

We believe there’s a better way to do life. A more impactful, generous, and abundant way to live - and to make the world a better place to do what we love, with people we love.

We’re excessively passionate about it and our mission is to help you step into your fulfilled success life.

Fulfilled Success is more than just success & money. It’s time, it’s freedom, it’s happiness, its joy, it’s fulfillment, it’s wealth, and it’s living an ultimate life that you can look back on and truthfully say you lived this life to the fullest.

So if any of the above sounds awesome to you, then you are definitely in the right place!

Let’s go together

Jaka personally believes in Creator of the Universe and he was meditating and praying so long to really make sure that what I will teach will have the Truth as foundation.
So my motive is not to be served from you, but to serve you.

I just want you to have a blessed life and I just want to be as an instrument from Creator to help you to live the purpose you were born to live.
There is a lot of false teaching about money, business, success etc.
Some rich people are really too attached to money and full of ego that will use people for money.

Some poor people (a lot of spiritual people) are too attached to stay poor and don’t want to change, as they are afraid of success, go from comfort zone or just think this is wrong.
We just should learn to be not attached in one or other.
It was a long jouney with 13 years of seeking the Truth, what is the right way, interview more than 1000 people about topic of success, spirituality, money, relationships, personal growth, achiving goals. This is just my biggest passion and purpose in my life to go deep in everything I do. Be sceptical, analyse everything, reflect, watch the fruits etc..
But now I finally got it. In know how to do in head and I also have it in practice…
I see good fruits and I am ready to save you 12 years and more than 50.000€ I invested and show you the best way to Fulfilled Success!

We Are Awesome At Our Work

We are proud to share with you some of our achievments










We are driven by the pleasure of receiving great feedbacks from our customers, we work hard every day to offer the best possible experience



[+386 40 235 548]


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JackFree Fulfilled Success,
Srebrniceva  ulica 13,
6280 Ankaran,

[SINCE 2018]



Whatsapp number:
[+386 40 235 548]